Az Ad Librum kiadói csoport könyveinek katalógusa
Ad Librum, Személyes Történelem, Könyv Guru
This book contains the first records of 25 mite species from the Korean Peninsula.
Storming Brain, 2016.
93 oldal 140x200 mm 125 gr. 2500 Ft ISBN 978-615-5110-77-1
Megvásárolható: Könyvesbolt.Online
This book contains the first records of 25 mite species from the Korean Peninsula. Five mite species are found on the body of insects (bees and scrabeoid beetle) and 17 soil dwelling Mesostigmata are presented as new species from the Korean Peninsula. New occurences of 10 earlier recorded Mesostigmatans and a second data of a plant inhabiting spider mite are presented as well.
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