
Az Ad Librum kiadói csoport könyveinek katalógusa

Ad Librum, Személyes Történelem, Könyv Guru

Anthony Noir, the actor-turned-detective, investigate how the famous Hollywood actress died on New Year’s Eve 1929.

Ad Librum Kiadó, 2016.

240 oldal 130x200 mm 310 gr. 1990 Ft ISBN 978-615-5686-27-6

Megvásárolható: Könyvesbolt.Online

Matthew Vigo: Mystery in Noir

One day – actor-turned-detective – Anthony Noir receives a letter from California, in which an old lady asks his help in the investigation of a long-ago case. On New Year’s Eve 1929 a famous Hollywood actress died in a car accident. The mysterious client implies it was – in fact – a deliberate murder.

Anthony discovers all the possible details of the extraordinary assignment, even so he has to embark on an extensive journey to the past before he can unveil the secret of the movie star...

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